Look-at permanent BOOK resources: EYSP FRIEZE POSTERS

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Look-at permanent BOOK resources: EYSP FRIEZE POSTERS

Post by debbie »

Here is an idea which makes a permanent resource for learners to browse through which I'm very pleased with!

I've printed off the EARLY YEARS STARTER PACKAGE ALPHABETIC CODE FRIEZE POSTERS which are designed to double-up as FLASH CARDS.

I've laminated these but left them in pairs - that is I haven't cut them out individually.

I've also laminated the SUBSTITUTE GRAPHEME FLASH CARDS from the EARLY YEARS STARTER PACKAGE - also leaving these in pairs.

I've then cut around the cards (cut the surplus borders off) and punched holes in the remaining 'sheets'.

Then, I've bought A5 (half-sized) clip files for the laminated cards.

I'm not teaching in a class now but I would personally add these laminated cards to the clip folders only as I introduce the new letter/s-sound correspondences in lessons - for learners to browse through them in the book corner.

If learners are over-faced with information, there is a danger that they will not learn the focus information thoroughly at the time because they are overwhelmed. They 'look' but don't learn!

That is why I suggest that any ALPHABETIC CODE FRIEZE POSTERS are displayed in manageable numbers and 'built up' over time.

Otherwise, resources which could make excellent teaching and learning aids are in danger of becoming like 'wallpaper' in over-decorated or neglected classrooms.
Debbie Hepplewhite
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