A. Quigley: Good handwriting is about more than appearances

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A. Quigley: Good handwriting is about more than appearances

Post by debbie »

http://www.teachwire.net/news/good-hand ... -late-to-h
Good Handwriting Is About More Than Appearances – And It’s Never Too Late To Help Develop It

Developing strong handwriting skills can unlock success more generally for a student


Alex Quigley Alex Quigley, Director of Learning and Research, Huntington Secondary School
In stark contrast, students with handwriting difficulties can have their thinking slowed, and as their working memory is strained by the process of forming legible letters, words and sentences, their focus on spelling and organising ideas into paragraphs, and so on, can suffer.

Weak writers can even go on to suffer a vicious circle: to hide their weaknesses in spelling, they may try to keep their writing unclear, attempting to mask their words with small, deliberately ambiguous letter formations.

Issues with handwriting can extend into adolescence and may have a damaging effect on student attainment. We know from evidence that issues with handwriting legibility can affect examination performance.
Debbie Hepplewhite
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