Greg Ashman raises a very worrying scenario ...worth reading

This is the forum for participants of the 'PHONICS TRAINING ONLINE' course written by Debbie Hepplewhite. Participants are welcome to add their own comments. Debbie will contribute any relevant up-to-date findings, issues and developments. To find out about the course, go to: .
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Greg Ashman raises a very worrying scenario ...worth reading

Post by debbie »

Greg Ashman raises such an important issue via his 'Filling the Pail' blog that I wanted to share it with people taking my online training course.

The issue of developmental learning and discovery learning, and other theories, mentioned by Greg are so important as many teachers continue to be trained, and led to believe that they are being trained, in the best practice for teachers.

This is definitely worrying.

The teacher-survey that Greg describes sounds positively bizarre. The fact that John Hattie now heads up the organisation producing this kind of survey is also very strange and contradictory. Do read this post in full:
How AITSL judges teaching
The Australian Institute of Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) recently asked teachers to take part in a survey. I clicked the link and immediately noticed something a little odd. I was asked to answer multiple-choice questions about my teaching and the survey explained that, “The items in each question [the possible answers] are hierarchical with regard to expertise.� So if I chose the first response in each question then that is representative of the lowest level of expertise. This is an odd structure because people don’t like to think of themselves as lacking expertise and so this might bias the survey results.

I then started the survey. The exact set of questions you get depends upon what you enter as your birth month, so this will vary for different teachers. I found that I couldn’t select any of the answers for some questions. For others, I began to wonder what evidence was being used to decide that some teacher behaviours were characteristic of a higher degree of expertise than others.

For instance, question 22 was: ... -teaching/
Debbie Hepplewhite
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